
%0 Conference Proceedings
%4 cptec.inpe.br/walmeida/2004/
%2 cptec.inpe.br/walmeida/2004/
%T Visualização dos Produtos Numericos do Modelo de Clima do CPTEC através de um Sistema Gráfico
%D 1996
%A Accauchy, Marcos Paulo,
%A Quadro, Mario Francisco Leal de,
%@affiliation CPTEC-INPE-Cachoeira Paulista-12630-000-SP-Brasil
%B Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 9.
%C Campos do Jordao
%8 6-13 nov.
%V 1
%P 146-149
%S Anais
%X Since 1995 January ín the CPTEC has been made climate simulations every month wíth the atmospheric global modelo The results are for a 6-month period starting from the 4 initial conditíons (IC), persisting the last monthly observed sea surface temperature, and produce diary global grid point with intervals of 1.875 degrees in both latitude and longitude, with 19 variables in binary formato A graphic system was developed to visualize mensal and tive days mean made with thesebinary global grids.This system, developed with the GrADS/COLA (Doty, 1995) software is a graphic interface to permit visualize meteorological variables in graphic form (ísolines, shaded} into maps. The objective of this work is present this graphic system, whích today ís running in CPTEC to visualize the climate predictions, and divulge to public for the use in regional centers and others meteorological instítutes. Some facilities of this system are, besides, the calculus of the seasonal means for some areas of global and times series (variable x time) of the model's predictions generated from the each IC.
%@language pt
%3 11098.pdf
